Here you can find all the assignments I completed while attending Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (2018-2020) where I achieved the best grade possible of D*D*D* in Games Technology. Link to all assignments at the bottom.
>Year 1:
Assignment 1 - Pre-Production Theory
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I evaluated the extent to which pre-production requirements, processes, and documentation contribute to the success of planning and delivering a specific digital media product as well as the pre-production documentation, its format, and function of pre-production processes used for the planning and delivery of a specific digital media product.
Assignment 2 - Games Design Principles
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I evaluated examples of different game genres and their gameplay design in relation to their target audience along with features of gameplay design.
Assignment 3 - Understanding Media Campaigns
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I evaluated the effectiveness of communication channels and features used within a specific media campaign to target the audience and fulfill the campaign's purpose across multiple platforms. I also analysed the features of a specific media campaign to create cohesion across multiple media platforms.
Furthermore, I established a comprehensive and justified media strategy that demonstrates creativity in the preparation of materials for a specific audience and prepared effective materials for use within a cross-platform campaign for a specific audience.
Assignment 4 - App Blog
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I evaluated the effectiveness of how native, web, and hybrid app development environments have been used to adapt typical features to meet their purpose and appeal to their intended audience, and analysed their effectiveness.
Assignment 5 - Pre-Production Portfolio
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I Managed pre-production procedures consistently to produce comprehensive pre-production planning material, showing professional practice throughout. I also produced and maintained an organised and systematic pre-production portfolio to enable effective planning and delivery of a specific digital media product.
Finally, I evaluated the effectiveness of the project management, referring to its impact on pre-production.
Assignment 6 - App Experimentation
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I used a combination of coding techniques in different techniques in different programming languages and features of different frameworks to develop user interface elements for fully justified apps. To achieve this, I wrote and edited a range of code to run and test app functionality in more than one programming language.
Additionally, I produced creative materials for a cohesive campaign with links across more than two platforms, demonstrating cross-platform synchronisation.
Assignment 7 - Building Blocks
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I sourced and accurately logged assets and permissions for a digital game, and developed a comprehensive level design for a digital game with a justification of the assets chosen.
Assignment 8 - Virtual Worlds
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I created a digital game in a specific genre, justifying the level of challenge for the target audience, and assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the finished digital game.
Assignment 9 - App Development
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I designed, developed, and tested a functioning app with an imaginative user interface (appropriate for the audience and purpose) that targets the audience and serves its purpose in a creative way.
Moreover, I evaluated the impact of the strategies and media used in the cross-platform campaign to achieve its intended purpose and explained how strategies were applied to meet the campaign aims.
>Year 2:
Assignment 1 - Engine Components
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, evaluated examples of scripting languages, artificial intelligence, and physics in games as well as core concepts in physics for game engine scripting.
Assignment 2 - Working in the Games Industry
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of job roles, recruitment, contracts of employment, and professional behaviour in the media sector. with a comprehensive understanding of the structure, career opportunities, and legal and ethical issues in a specific media sector.
Furthermore, I also evaluated the importance of different aspects of quality assurance in the gaming sector and examples of the process of developing and testing games.
Assignment 3 - Environment Planning
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I produced creative and comprehensive idea generation and development for the creation of 3D models and produced creative and comprehensive idea generation for the development of the creation of 3D models.
Moreover, I produced a comprehensive design and graphics planning for a 3D environment while producing appropriate planning for the graphics of said 3D environment.
Assignment 4 - Games Testing
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I thoroughly play-tested a game and produced an in-depth regression-tested bug report in a bug tracking system using complex test cases I created, including a detailed decision table and a complex spreadsheet record.
Assignment 5 - Environment Portfolio
Grade Achieved: Distinction
In this assignment, I created a range of different 3D models and textures using Maya and Photoshop and combined the created assets with sourced assets to make a level in Unreal Engine 5.
Assignment 6 - Employment Portfolio
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I created material and sharpened my skills necessary to network with people and find a job in the industry.
Assignment 7 - Engine Scripting
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I created a comprehensive GDD and other appropriate pre-production documentation used to create a game prototype in Unity.
Assignment 8 - 3D Theory
Grade Achieved: Distinction
Throughout this assignment, I explored core concepts and techniques common in 3D development environments.